The Leafy Lacing Tree is a fine motor activity designed for children with learning and neurological disabilities to create a 3-D tree complete with leaves and animals. The Leafy Lacing Tree is a sewing tool that allows children to exercise their creativity, concentration and hand-eye coordination. This lacing toy includes 2 tree pieces that fit together to form the crown and stump, and 2 laces. Every lace includes a bead stopper to ensure the placement on the tree. All of the pieces are made from wood and painted with non-toxic finishes. Lace the leaves and the 2-inch critters on the 9-inch tree creating a fun new scene every time. Suitable for ages 3 and up. All of the pieces are made from wood and painted with nontoxic finishes. It includes 2 Birds, 1 Fox, 1 Squirrel, 1 Bush, 3 Apples, 4 Butterflies, 1 Bird's Nest, and 20 Leaves.
ESPECIAL NEEDS 1850 Borman Court St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 877-664-4565 Fax: 800-664-4534 Web: especialneeds.com

The Attachable Fidget Balls is designed for users with autism and sensory disabilities. The fidget balls are three inches in size and can easily hook to a backpack, bag, or belt loop. They can be used for fine motor development and strengthening as well as fidgeting. Options include: Arctic (filled with white balls) or Rainbow (filled with colored balls). Suitable for ages 4 and up.
ENABLEMART 865 Muirfield Drive Hanover Park, IL 60133 Phone: 888-640-1999 Fax: 800-235-1305 Web: enablemart.com Email: sales@enablemart.com

The Multisensory SpongeBob SquarePants Switch is a device designed for children with impairment disabilities. The device has a tactile switch plate and vibrates while lights and music play whenever it is pressed. The control on the bottom can be used to turn any of these functions on or off. The Multisensory SpongeBob SquarePants Switch can be used on its own to teach cause and effect, or to trigger other devices that need a capability switch. Multi-sensory stimulation encourages learning and easy use. Can be used on its own as a toy or to activate other devices.
REHABMART 1353 Athens Hwy Elberton, GA 30635 Phone: 800-827-8283 Web: rehabmart.com Email: assistance@rehabmart.com
The ABLEDATA database of assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment contains information on more than 30,000 products for persons of all ages who have a physical, cognitive, or sensory disability. Products are chosen for these pages by the ABLEDATA staff based on their specific applicability to or design for children who have disabilities. ABLEDATA, operated by New Editions Consulting, Inc., is funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) under contract number ED-OSE-13-C-0064. For more information on these and other assistive devices, or to submit product information for the database (and possible inclusion on this page), contact: ABLEDATA, 103 W. Broad Street, Suite 400, Falls Church, VA 22046; phone: 1-800-227-0216; TTY – 703-992-8313; website: abledata.com; email: abledata@neweditions.net; twitter: twitter.com/AT_Info; Facebook: facebook.com/abledata.

The CrawlAhead is a crawling assistance for infants and toddlers. The CrawlAhead mobility helps babies and young toddlers with grasping the ability to crawl, improving their motor and cognitive skills. Through crawling, users are able to explore more, learn new experiences, and gain strength and confidence. For infants and toddlers that have developmental impairments, the CrawlAhead provides a durable assistance device that their parents and therapists will love due to their boost in independence and confidence, as well as the decrease of back strain from supporting and balancing them. It helps to develop physical strength to improve hand-eye coordination, boost confidence and independence, promote motor and cognitive advancements.
ESPECIAL NEEDS 1850 Borman Court St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 877-664-4565 Fax: 800-664-4534 Web: especialneeds.com

The Color N Paint Book is designed for individuals with sensory needs, fine motor skills and impaired vision disabilities. The book features raised line art that is also beneficial to children and adults working to improve their fine motor skills and for anyone whose learning is enhanced through the sense of touch. The book features twelve raised line art drawings that can be used with Do-A-Dot Markers, crayons, or watercolor paints. The book also includes the printed word and Braille for each design, along with a handy, plastic page protector. Developmental benefits: teaches color concepts, tactile stimulation, braille practice, fine motor skills, visual stimulation, social engagement, and cognitive development. Pictures themes include jungle, food, pets, and mythology.
NURTURE SMART Phone: 866-204-8863 Web: nurturesmart.org

The Braille Preschool Puzzle is designed for individuals who are blind or have low vision. Each of the puzzles in the Preschool Puzzles set are made of solid wood, handpainted, and polished. The Braille puzzle assists the user with readiness, tactile discrimination, and putting things back together. Each piece has its name Brailled on it, so children know not only what it is, but which way to fit it into the board. The wooden boards are rectangular or square and can be used for individual or large-group play. Choose from 7 different preschool puzzles.
FUTURE AIDS 33222 Lynn Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 1C9 Canada Phone: 800-987-1231 Fax: 800-985-1231 Web: braillebookstore.com