The Advanced Study Program in Beauty Industry Management is a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students to identify, implement, and solve management issues within the beauty industry. This program offers students both theoretical and practical foundations in the discipline that emphasize the development of business management skills in the beauty industry including human resources, managerial decision making, forecasting and analysis, sales, negotiation and conflict resolution, merchandising, product innovation, and public relations and finance.
What Our Students Learn In our program, students learn analytical and management skills to develop and cultivate global beauty brands. Students learn how to forecast and manage targeted marketing campaigns, and negotiate to meet business goals.
Why FIDM Beauty Industry Management students are exposed to the industry first-hand, from a mandatory industry internship to a week in New York meeting with management at companies such as Coty, L'Oréal, Philosophy, LVMH/Dior, and more.
REQUIRED CLASSES FOR ADVANCED STUDY (for students with a prior FIDM degree)
COSM 3180 Fundamentals of Beauty Business Law
COSM 3250 Beauty: Purchasing & Planning
COSM 3350 Human Resources & Organizational Behavior
COSM 3360 Beauty: Luxury Brand Development
COSM 3400 Managerial Decision Making
COSM 3420 Beauty: Business Management & Finance
COSM 3450 Merchandising in the Beauty Environment
COSM 3600 Product Innovation
COSM 3660 Beauty: Regulatory Affairs & Import/Export Strategies
COSM 3850 Beauty: Sales, Negotiation & Conflict Management 3
COSM 3950 Internship
GNST 3200 Consumer Social Behavior
SMED 2750 E-Commerce Marketing
SMED 3700 International Strategies for New Media
SMED 3750 PR Writing for Social Media
Total Units of Credit 45
This program starts in the fall on the Los Angeles campus.
Prerequisites: FIDM degree in Beauty Marketing & Product Development, Merchandise Product Development*, or Merchandising & Marketing*
Merchandising & Marketing* *These A.A. majors also require the following three (3) courses: – (COSM 2350) Beauty: Fundamentals of Fragrance – (COSM 2450) Beauty: Fundamentals of Cosmetics – (COSM 2650) Principles of Beauty Technology
One-on-one advisement is available to students from other FIDM Majors to consider eligibility for special admissions to this program. Contact the appropriate department chairperson.