BRAIN FOODBrain Food is therapy putty for children ages 3 and up with fine motor disabilities to play with and exercise their fine motor skills. The child opens up the fun tin and is visually stimulated. When the child starts grabbing, its synapses light up. The putty provides tactile stimulation as the user molds, bends, and stretches. When the user squeezes it they can watch as it oozes between their fingers. Can be used to channel fidget energy so the user can focus mentally, and ideal for networking the right and left brain. Putty is non-toxic and contains no latex or wheat compounds. Do not eat.

FAT BRAIN TOYS20516 Nicholas Circle Elkhorn, NE 68022Phone: 1-800-590-5987Web: fatbraintoys.comEmail:
NASCO ACTIVITY APRONThis Nasco Activity Apron is designed for both men and women who have Alzheimer's and/or dementia-type disorders to occupy their hands and prevent them from disrobing. It helps to keep fidgeting fingers purposefully occupied with familiar actions, such as zipping a colorful zipper, opening a hook-and-loop flap, buttoning a colorful pocket, buckling a ribbon belt, and tying a large tie. A larger terry flap and flannel patch provide tactile stimulation. Hook-and-loop closures at the neck and waist make for easy closing and allow for quick removal. Made of heavy-duty washable material.

NASCO901 Janesville Avenue P.O.Box 901 Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 Phone: 800-558-9595Fax: 920-563-6044Web: enasco.comEmail:
SENTENCE BUILDING DOMINOESSentence Building Dominoes is a product to help users improve and practice their language and communication skills. This product includes 228 color-coded dominoes featuring nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and punctuation marks. It comes packaged in a handy storage bucket.

EDUCATIONAL INSIGHTS380 N. Fairway Drive Vernon Hills, IL 60061Phone: 888-800-7893Fax: 888-892-8731Web: educationalinsights.comEmail:
THE QUESTION CHALLENGE CARD GAMEThe Question Challenge Card Game is an expressive and receptive language card game that targets social skills and reasoning. This game helps children with cognitive or learning disabilities, or autism, learn to understand sarcasm, state opinions, questioning skills, plus much more. This game allows students to practice these skills necessary for effective communication and problem solving. The game includes 30 cards for each of the following ten skill areas: staying calm through selftalk, inferencing, determining perspective, cognitive flexibility, predicting, intonation and body language, questioning in conversation, social encouragement, stating opinions, and understanding sarcasm.

SUPER DUPER PUBLICATIONSPhone: 800-277-8737Fax: 800-978-7379Web: superduperinc.comEmail:
OOMBEECUBEThe OombeeCube is a cognition exercise for ages 10 months and up with fine motor disabilities to encourage fine motor skills, sensory learning, tactile exploration, and visual-spatial skills. The sorting cube features vibrant colors with six rubbery shapes tethered to its corners. Users can explore the contours, squeeze them, and safely chew on them. The cutout spaces of the cube each only match one of the rubbery tethered shapes. The child fits the square into the square, the circle into the circle, the oval into the oval, the triangle into the tri angle. Shapes are tethered to each corner with extra thick, strong, and secure string. Strings are short enough to be exceptionally safe and long enough for little hands to grab and explore freely.

FAT BRAIN TOYS20516 Nicholas Circle Elkhorn, NE 68022Phone: 1-800-590-5987Fax: 402-779-3253Web: fatbraintoys.comEmail:

KEYBOARDING WITHOUT TEARSKeyboarding Without Tears is a product that builds touch typing fluency and speed, builds general computer readiness, and digital citizenship skills that can be used by students who have learning disabilities. It includes game-based activities and needs 5-10 minutes a day or 30 minutes a week. This program includes integrated words per minute (WPM) games and accuracy spot checks and needs minimal teacher instruction time. The program is webbased so it can be accessed anywhere.
LEARNING WITHOUT TEARS806 W. Diamond Avenue, Suite 230 Gaithersburg, MD 20878Phone: 888-983-8409Web:
NESSY READING & SPELLINGNessy Reading & Spelling is an internetbased reading and spelling program that is designed for children ages 5-14 with learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It features over 100 independent learning lessons that are based on the Orton-Gillingham approach to reading and spelling. Lessons emphasize phonemic awareness, phonics, blending, sight words, fluency, spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension. It includes over 300 animated strategies, over 1000 worksheets, and strategies for learning. Chrome or Safari browser recommended.
NESSY LEARNING LLC4500 140th Avenue North, Suite 101 Clearwater, FL 33762Web: nessy.comEmail: