LOOKING WITHIN: The charge is to revitalize our understanding and appreciation of the new information about children with disabilities that has become available from the 2010 census.
age groups, by state, county, cities, congressional districts and other local areas. But the emphasis on these specific groups should not overlook the realties that nationally more than 150,000 children less than five years of age have hearing and/or vision difficulties and 2.8 million older children have one or more disabilities. (see Table 2) Note: These data (with increased types of disabilities) also are available from the Census Bureau for the younger and older age groups, by state, county, cities, congressional districts and other local areas.
The charge is to update and revitalize our understanding and appreciation of the new information about children with disabilities that has become available from the 2010 census. The “others” data (by congressional districts, cities, etc.) can be used to reach politicians at the federal, state and local levels as they themselves seek to come to terms with the evolving fabric of their constituencies. Take advantage of times? You’re darn right! •
H. Barry Waldman, DDS, MPH, PhD - Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of General Dentistry at Stony Brook University, NY; E-mail: h.waldman@stonybrook.edu Steven P. Perlman, DDS, MScD, DHL (Hon) is Global Clinical Director, Special Olympics, Special Smiles and Clinical Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, The Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Private pediatric dentistry practice – Lynn MA. Matthew Cooke, DDS, MD, MPH is Associate Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology & Pediatric Dentistry University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine Pittsburgh PA; Assistant Clinical Professor, Departments of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Pediatric Dentistry Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, Richmond, VA.
1. Answers.com How do you determine your race if your father is black and your mother is white? Web site: wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_determine_your_race_if_your_father_is_black_and_ your_mother_is_white#ixzz1kT6c11za
2. Census Bureau. Disabilities. Web site: factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/pro- ductview.xhtml?pid=ACS_10_1YR_B18108&prodType= tablehttp://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pa ges/index.xhtml. Accessed January 25, 2012.
3. Ranking of states. Web site: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_pop- ulation. Accessed January 25, 2012.