Now updated to reflect the latest findings and research, The Parents’ Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations, Second Edition provides the latest available information on vaccinations for children -- including the meningococcal, HPV vaccinations and rotavirus -- as well the most-up-to date schedules and additional information parents need to know to help them make the right decisions regarding vaccines. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of childhood vaccination, everyone agrees that the health of our children is paramount. For those who have chosen to vaccinate, The Parents’ Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations offers both practical medical and natural remedies to avoid possible side effects. If you have chosen not to vaccinate your children, the book also includes natural medicines to strengthen your child’s immune system, along with tips on how to deal with legal exemptions, school requirements, and medical insurances. Lauren Feder, M.D. was a nationally recognized physician who specialized in holistic health and was board certified in homeopathic medicine. Author of Natural Baby and Childcare and Natural Pregnancy, she was affiliated with La Leche League, Holistic Pediatric Association, and the National Center for Homeopathy. Letrinh Hoang, D.O. is a pediatrician in private practice offering holistic, integrative pediatrics. She is a graduate of the University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine and received her pediatrics training at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. •
The Ruderman Family Foundation, an international leader in disability inclusion, called on the United Nations to intervene after the United Nations Educational Pilgrimage for Youth, Inc. (UNEPY) Board of Directors’ decided to exclude 15-year-old Niko Boskovic from their annual UNEPY event this summer, allegedly because of his autism. Boskovic had won an essay contest that had earned him the trip and was, according to reports, rejected after the program’s board of directors learned of his disability, stating, “They don't have the staff and knowledge to be accountable for someone with a disability.” “For an organization focused on human rights it is nothing short of disgraceful to be discriminating against Boskovic due to his disability and denying him his civil right to be included and accommodated,” said Jay Ruderman, President of the Ruderman Family Foundation. “We call on the United Nations to condemn this decision by UNEPY. We also call on UNEPY to issue an apology to Boskovic as well as to re-issue an invitation
to participate in the event with his peers who have equally and fairly earned their spots as delegates, just as Boskovic has.” Based on reports, Boskovic, who lost his ability to speak and was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, was set to join 300 other winners for the annual UNEPY trip this summer, which brings together teens to visit areas of the US and Canada to teach them about the United Nations. Again, based on reports, when Niko’s mother, Loreta, emailed the organization to tell them she would be accompanying Niko because of his disability, she was surprised to receive an e-mail back stating that chaperones were not allowed and the group was unequipped to take on the responsibility for Niko.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is an international human rights treaty of the UN intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, aiming to promote, protect, and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that they enjoy full equality under the law. The Foundation calls on the UN to uphold its values in this case and take a stand for Boskovic.
The Ruderman Family Foundation is an internationally recognized organization, which advocates for the full inclusion of people with disabilities in our society. The Foundation supports effective programs, innovative partnerships and a dynamic approach to philanthropy in advocating for and advancing the inclusion of people with disabilities throughout the United States and the world.
AHCA/NCAL’s Congressional Briefing provides an important opportunity for you to personally meet with your Members of Congress and their staff. Come and get an update on the latest happenings in long term and post-acute care, make an effective plan of action with your peers in the health care field, and get fired up to take your message to the hill. The changing political landscape makes it more important than ever to raise your voice and be heard. Get an update on all that's happening on the Hill. Hear from multiple speakers, including Keynote Speaker
Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier, as well as key Members of Congress.Take advantage of networking opportunities with your long term and post-acute care peers. Enjoy two springtime days at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. Registration for this event is exclusively for long term and post-acute care provider members of AHCA/NCAL and AHCA/NCAL Associate Business Members only. The conference registration fee is complimentary. The advance registration deadline is Monday, May 8.
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“We call on UNEPY to reissue an invitation to participate in the event with his peers who have equally and fairly earned their spots as delegates, just as Boskovic has.”