referrals come from current FIDM Students, FIDM Alumni, students from other local colleges, and local residents that live in the area. Referral housing location distances range from less than a mile to a 17-mile radius of the campus. Prices vary from $1,000 to $1,500 monthly to share a room, and $1,700 to $2,400 to rent a private room. Please visit the properties website for the most up-to-date rates. The properties that are used by FIDM Student Housing are also available to students independently; however, the leasing packages and rates may vary.


The IDEA Center provides students with assistance in the areas of writing, math, reading comprehension, study and research skills, time management, speech presentation, Photoshop, Illustrator, sketching, and more.


The FIDM Library is a curated collection of materials supportive of all our creative and business majors. The collections include over 25,000 books and eBooks, 200 magazines, and 40 research databases as well as several trend forecasting reports for market intelligence. In addition, newspapers, trade papers, scholarly journals and video resources support the curriculum.

A selection of textiles and material swatches are available to collect and use for inspiration and class projects, and the library subscribes to the Material ConneXion® database for research information on over 7,000 innovative and sustainable materials.

Our team of librarians and specialists provide instruction, reference, and research support to students, faculty and alumni. The library catalog and research databases are online and accessible to students while on or off-campus, on any device, ensuring that the Library's resources are readily available to inform and inspire.


The Personal Counseling Department provides counseling support for all students to address emotional, social, and academic issues pertaining to their personal and professional goals. The counseling session focuses on basic counseling needs such as problem solving, conflict resolution, goal setting, communication improvement, time management, and stress management related to academic and personal issues, as well as crisis counseling. Although FIDM's goal is to maintain confidentiality, if a student expresses suicidal tendencies or plans to harm others, the Personal Counselor will contact the parents and the appropriate authorities as required legally.

The Personal Counseling Department can provide referrals for licensed therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as clinics and agencies to all students who are seeking mental health and healthcare support while attending FIDM. All counseling sessions are held in a supportive, safe, and confidential environment. In the event of any emotional situation or crisis, students

should contact a personal counselor for an appointment immediately. If the student has an urgent need to speak with a counselor and the counselor is not immediately available, please contact the Front Desk. FIDM will make every attempt to reach a Personal Counselor, a family member or friend, or they will call 911.


The Registrar's Office manages student records, produces strategic reports, and supports the college's mission by facilitating students timely program completion. The Registrar's Office provides the following services:

Note: Questions regarding a specific grade should be directed to the instructor or the Education Department.

Department of Student Success

The Department of Student Success assists with the advancement and completion of a student's academic program by providing direction and support for all aspects of the FIDM educational experience.


Each academic program is considered an uninterrupted sequence. If it becomes necessary for a student to withdraw or take a leave from the college, a Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form must be completed with the Department of Student Success. An Approved Leave of Absence may be taken for only one full quarter. Any student taking an Unapproved Leave of Absence or withdrawing from the college after the second week of classes will need to repeat the class and will be charged full tuition and course-related fees when they re-register for the class. If any books and/or supplies have changed for the repeated class when the student ultimately takes it, the student will be responsible for their purchase. Students on a Leave of Absence are eligible to receive assistance from the Career Center. Students receiving a Cal Grant award must notify the California Student Aid Commission ( of their Leave of Absence or they will lose their award.