The solicitation and distribution to students of nonFIDM materials and the use of the college facility for non-FIDM business purposes is prohibited. Posting flyers, pamphlets, posters, or other means of advertising on the walls or bulletin boards is not allowed.



The Study Abroad Department requires that students who participate in college-related travel to submit a passport or driver's license/ID card upon enrollment. International students may need a visa to travel. Students are responsible for determining their status and obtaining a visa, if necessary, and showing proof of vaccination prior to their trip. Some travel programs may require that students purchase short-term medical coverage in order to participate. Additional travel documents must be completed prior to departure.


FIDM values the importance of learning, preparation, and study. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with the assigned readings and homework and to manage their time. A minimum of two hours preparation for each hour in class is recommended for research and study time outside of class.


FIDM requires students attending the college to make reasonable progress toward the completion of their educational objective. All students are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (3.0 for students in the Master's program) and successfully complete a minimum of 67% of units attempted. Students who fail to meet FIDM's Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements may lose their eligibility for financial aid and/or veterans benefits.


It is the students' responsibility to provide current contact information to the college. Students can make the following changes:



In an effort to provide FIDM Students with a quality education which keeps pace with our rapidly changing world, it has been essential to implement new technology standards for email, Internet, and computer access.


FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising has invested substantial assets in order to provide students with the most updated functional versions of technology software to help prepare students for their prospective industries. Students are expected to exercise good judgment to ensure that all of their electronic communications reflect high ethical standards and convey mutual respect and civility. In accordance, the following terms and provisions state the Student Technology Use Policy for the college:

Students may not:

  1. Advocate or encourage violence against any government, organization, group, individual, or property, or provide instruction, information, or assistance in causing or carrying out such violence, regardless of whether such activity is unlawful. Violations will be reported to the appropriate civil authorities.
  2. Change FIDM computer or hardware system settings or disconnect, connect, or switch off any hardware from computers, including, but not limited to, printers, projectors, or other FIDM technology resources.
  3. Introduce or activate any viruses, worms, harmful code, and/or Trojan horses; evade spam filters to the FIDM network.
  4. Use FIDMCloud Mail accounts, web-related content, or computer resources for personal gain, gambling activities, partisan political purposes, or with the intent of harming a particular individual.
  5. Create, download, install, or store programs and software on FIDM systems.
  6. Use FIDM network resources to send or post unsolicited messages or email, whether