to achieve an understanding of past and current world events in light of the many economic variables that exist. Prerequisite: GNST 2570

GNST 2900 — 3 UNITS


Independent research in an area of required study. Students work under the supervision of an instructor, with mutually agreeable goals and assignments. Typically, independent studies are available in a student's second year of study in a two-year degree with a 3.0 grade point average and permission of the Department Chairperson and supervising instructor.

GNST 2960 — 3 UNITS


A survey of American history from 1930-2000. Emphasis is on the political and economic features, both domestic and foreign, that contributed to the emergence of the welfare state and the nation's rise to global leadership after World War II. The course provides an understanding of the Great Depression, the Second World War, the Cold War, America's eventual emergence as the world's only superpower, and the interrelation of all these factors.

GNST 2980 — 3 UNITS


To become more self-reliant and enterprising in the job search, students investigate career opportunities and the career paths, personal traits, job responsibilities, and qualifications necessary to be competitive and promotable. Students build research tools that enable them to develop a plan of action, conduct informational interviews, practice interviewing skills, and produce a digitized professional resume, biographical statement, and cover letter for immediate submission to prospective employers.

GNST 3000 — 3 UNITS


This global survey traces the quest for independence and prosperity on the part of emerging economies around the world after World War II. The course examines the varying fortunes of countries as they encountered the crucial questions of political organization, state control, and personal freedom from 1945 to the present. It also examines the issue of environmental sustainability in the face of pressures posed by population, industrialization, and consumerism.

GNST 3050 — 3 UNITS


This course explores the principles and strategies of effective written professional communication in the context of the global workplace, current and emerging technologies, and contemporary issues. Students apply sound communication, analysis, and research techniques to the composition of a professional bio, memos, formal reports, and other forms of business communication. The connection between skillful communication, critical thinking, and decision making is also stressed.

GNST 3150 — 3 UNITS


An in-depth exploration into the major design movements of the 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on the importance of research and writing on topics of art and design. Emphasis is on contextualizing design movements and designers within their historical framework and the changes in society they have inspired. Conversations consider the effects of form and function, technology, identity, corporate branding, globalization, and visual communication on the development of design and our environment.

GNST 3200 — 3 UNITS


Students examine the process of creating consumer demand through case studies and focus groups, with emphasis on sociological and psychological factors affecting consumer behavior. The course incorporates analyses of emerging technologies, including social media and neuromarketing, and their use in advertising.

GNST 3350 — 3 UNITS


Students explore the importance of plants in the ecosystem, the origins of plants and plant products and their role in everyday life. By studying plant structure, function, reproduction, and life cycles, students gain an understanding for how plants contribute to the ecological community and the social, economic, and environmental importance of plants in our lives.

GNST 3350L — 1 UNIT


Hands-on lab observations and experiments illustrating basic principles of plant biology.

GNST 3400 — 3 UNITS


A course that examines social psychology and how the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions of individuals are created and modified by the social and cultural conditions in which they live. Issues of social influence, cooperation and conflict, conformity, perception, change, and leadership are explored.

GNST 3410 — 3 UNITS


A survey course that examines television and film in America as an art form and charts its historical and technical development. Students study classic and contemporary mediums and filmmakers, explore the social implications of film and television, analyze film technique, as well as set decoration.

GNST 3450 — 3 UNITS


Students gather, interpret, and evaluate data that has been used as the basis of factual claims supporting legislation, business, and policy decisions in issues such as healthcare reform, environmental regulation, the criminal justice system, and other