TOWER OF STRENGTH: Chris Aguilar and his wife, Shannon, have gotten the chance to see their daughter flourish in ways they never thought possible with the help of seizure control.

Another milestone came in the form of bad news, when Bella was just ten years old. We'd been splitting our time in: Orlando, Miami and Boston, desperate to understand if Bella would be a candidate for brain surgery. In December 2016, we learned that seizures were sparking from both sides of her brain, making her ineligible for what we thought would be the lifechanging surgery she needed. We were devasted.

It was then, though, that someone in our close circle mentioned VNS Therapy™, a unique, add-on treatment for individuals with drug-resistant epilepsy. We were hesitant at first, exhausted and terrified of more disappointment. But as parents, we knew the fight wouldn't ever be over. We'd never give up; not until we found help for our Bella.


Sure enough, Bella was a candidate for VNS Therapy™, a small device implanted under the skin of the chest and connected to the left vagus nerve. We learned that it delivered mild pulses to the brain through the vagus nerve to help prevent seizures before they start, and stop them if they do.

For people with drug-resistant epilepsy, which accounts for about one in three people with seizures, medication alone isn't the answer. For Bella, who continued to experience uncontrolled seizures, despite trying dozens of medications over ten years, this was a new option that offered something we hadn't felt as a family in a long time – hope.

In the months that followed her procedure, we began to see a decrease in the number of seizures she experienced. She was retaining information and her recovery time was much faster. Within just a few months, she started to build strong, lasting friendships, wanted to try every sport possible, and even attended her very first sleepover. We couldn't believe it. Our little girl was coming back to us.


We came to realize this wasn't just a fluke or stroke of luck. After almost failing fourth grade, Bella made As and Bs in middle school, and we learned that she was in the top 10% of our entire county. Shannon and I watched in awe as the years passed, and Bella continued to improve each day,

living a life we never even got the chance to imagine for her.

That brings us to our latest series of life's milestones: Bella, heading into her senior year of high school, braver, stronger, and more brilliant than ever. Bella, taking college courses and applying for out-of-state universities, more than ready for independence. Bella, vice president of her junior class, playing flag football, and volunteering during her time off.

Shannon and I have since realized that the doctors were right, so many years ago. Bella would not go on to live a normal life, and we wouldn't want her to. As it turns out, her life is extraordinary. Her past struggles power her to do good and be good. She'll change the world, and we know she will.

Life is often measured by milestones. Some bringing beauty, while others bringing darkness. We've learned to cherish every milestone, no matter how small, because without the darkness, we wouldn't know just how bright the light is. •