Awareness and Acceptance

More and more families, educational institutions and healthcare organizations are coping with the surging numbers.

Approximately 1 in 36 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, according to a CDC report released earlier this year. That's up from a prevalence of 1 in 150 children in 2000. As more and more families, educational institutions and healthcare organizations cope with the surging numbers, it is essential that everyone incorporates autism acceptance as well as autism awareness.

Over time, progress has been made. In her article “From Awareness to Acceptance,” Dr. Crystal Morrison writes “As my child on the spectrum has grown, I have seen the positive impact that acceptance can have. He has found a supportive community of peers, teachers and providers who accept him for who he is and celebrate his strengths.”

Regular readers of EP Magazine and Shelly Huhtanen's wonderful column "Puzzles and Camo" will recognize our cover subject, her son on the spectrum, Broden Huhtanen. Shelly's column has chronicled the trials and tribulations that her family has faced with an amazing amount of grace and grit. Her contribution this month, "Don't Stop Believin,'" follows Broden as he experiences his very first rock concert – a performance by his all-time favorite band, Journey.

It has been just over a year since I took over as Editor in Chief of EP Magazine. I am thankful for all of the wonderful people that I have met, especially the inspiring people whom I have interviewed for the magazine, as well as the contributors who have not only written great articles for the publication, but have also helped it gain a wider audience.

Also helping with growing the EP Magazine audience are two standout seniors from Montclair State University, Jenna Jenkins and Joe Wissner. Jenna and Joe are partnering with us through one of their courses. They are helping through various methods, including increasing the magazine's social media presence, to broaden awareness of the magazine’s helpful information and resources, that can be read for free (EP for Free).

“Don’t Stop Believin’” follows Broden as he experiences his very first rock concert – a performance by his all-time favorite band, Journey.”

These two scholars each have personal reasons for contributing their skills to the community and have very bright futures ahead of them. Read their story on page 12. 

I encourage you to share Jenna and Joe's creative and informative social media posts at, and

Faye Simon

Editor In Chief


Faye Simon is a certified pre-K—8 teacher with a wide range of educational experience. She has worked in deaf/blind and infant stimulation programs, taught K—2 in public schools, and was a Head Teacher and Parent Coordinator for Head Start. She is Founder and President of the volunteer-run IES Brain Research Foundation. As EP's Editor In Chief, Faye sources and edits articles, creates partnerships with businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and develops relationships with EP's writers, corporate partners, readers and staff.

Information and Support for the Special Needs Community


Publisher Len Harac

Editior In Chief Faye Simon

Art Direction & Design Leverett Cooper


Exceptional Parent (ISSN 0046-9157) is published monthly 12 times per year including the special January EP Guide - Navigating Special Needs Resources by Exceptional Parent Magazine, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 Internet address: All rights reserved. Copyright ©2023 by Exceptional Parent Magazine,. Exceptional Parent™ is a registered trademark of Exceptional Parent Magazine. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Exceptional Parent,1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012. Any applicable periodical postage paid at Clifton, NJ and additional mailing offices (USPS 557-810). Basic annual subscription for EP Digital is free. Limited edition print subscription $199.00. Subscriber Service: Direct all inquiries & address changes to: Exceptional Parent, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 08758. Customer Service/New Orders: E-mail: or call (973) 726-6218. Back issues incur a charge of $17 each with shipping, (January issue $20 when requested) and depend upon availability. Call (973) 726-6218. Agreement #1420542